Thursday, March 13, 2008

Life is NOT easy!
Life is NOT easy! I have learned this week to accept life's trials and take one breath at at time. Aubree is almost 16 and the joy of my life. She is so creative and so loving, especially this week. She plays the piano incredibly! She has Christofori's Dream memorized and plays it beautifully. She has been above average on her Chores/cleaning this week and it has helped my sanity. She is planning a "fun" 16th Birthday party at home and i hope we survive! I believe that she is so special, and has great things instore for the future. Dylan is soon to be 14 and so close to earning his Eagle Scout award that we can smell it!! He has had 2 trimesters with 4.o grades so far and earning his third as we speak, and I couldn't be more proud. He is so steady and so dependable to me. He gives me strength by giving me hugs and keeping my head up! He is still so funny and loves to make us laugh- which is a delight to have around. I rely on himm alot to help me-- he never lets me down. Mack is my 10 year old prince. He has a heart that is the biggest ever! He has been sad this week but so strong for me. He adores Legos and Erector sets and received some for his birthday and is crazy about them!! He has done almost 12 Book reports this school year on every subject, and has done soooo well!He has 3 more to do to reach the 15 for the 4th grade year. He is such fun to have around and is learning to be a better helper. He loves to play with friends and to watch Spongebob! Well, I am really enjoying my new job with an Audiologist Office in Logan, I am thrilled to meet with elderly patients and be a help to them in their lives. I have found time to re arrange furniture- which i enjoy doing! and i have a few spring projects planned. I do love the smell of paint!! I am finding courage every day that I didnt realize I had. I am moving forward in my life and not looking back!! Does that sound convincing? heeheeheeLove, Julie


Ader Family said...

i agree, they are awesome! i would love to help with the spring projects!!!

Ader Family said...

I wanna help with the projects TOO!!!
I'm glad you are looking ahead and at least trying to convince yourself of things. Sometimes that's the first step - and then eventually it will happen.
Love you SO MUCH! You are an AMAZING woman, Julie!!
~ Steph